Equity-Aligned Analytics to Support Integrated Early Warning and School Accountability Systems

Robert H. Meyer, Rinor Jahiu, Anthony T. Milanowski, and Jordan B. Owen

This report describes an approach to school accountability systems that addresses equity concerns by combining prospective student-based metrics such as those found in early warning systems with a refined set of school- and district-based retrospective accountability metrics. The major innovation in what we call the Equity-Aligned Analytics System (EAAS) is to provide validated indicators of projected readiness for high school graduation to students, parents, and school staff so they can take action to improve student outcomes, rather than awaiting results from conventional post-hoc accountability measures. These student-level readiness indicators are then rolled up to the school and district levels, and the improvements in readiness between years become part of the school and district accountability system.

Coordinated under The K12 Research for Equity Hub (The Hub), this report is part of a series of research focused on innovative assessment approaches and alternative accountability models. The Hub is managed by EduDream, a Latina-founded, women-owned research and consulting firm.

Read the executive summary here

Read the full report here
